
I’m just your average human being.

I laugh, I cry, I eat, I sleep, I love and all the while I try to discover what it is to really be alive..

Fate had it set that I would travel since I was little. Being born into two countries and growing up on two continents at the same time (yes, Istanbul)  I didn’t really have much choice on the travel front.

Now, 28 years along, I have chosen to continue that road wherever it goes.

When I started this project I was living in an incredible corner of the world called Yunnan! I’d met so many travelers, couchsurfers and friends in need of tips and ideas and wheres and hows that I decided to set this up. Now, after two and a half years in China, I’m back over the other side of the world and planning my next steps, while enjoying the wonders of exploring by bicycle in Belgium.

Chabuduo,  差不多, one of my favourite words in Chinese means something like nearly,  pretty much,  more or less or as we say in Turkish aşağı yukarı and that’s chabuduo what this  is.  A basic guide, a platform to share, a collection of tales with a few hints and tips thrown in for good measure.

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